“Files structure”

data: folder contains game assets: graphics, sounds, music, levels, languages
bgm: folder contains background music
img: folder contains graphics files
background_hires: folder contains hi resolution version of background images
background_lowres: folder contains low resolution version of background images
gui: folder contains image files used by the GUI
sprite: folder contains images used in sprites animations
local: folder contains json files for texts localizations
sfx: folder contains sound files
js: folder contains the engine and the config file
lib: folder contains libraries the engine is based upon
scores: folder contains hi-scores files on the server
fbPic.jpg this image is used in the index page as preview just in case someone shares the page on Facebook or other social networks. It's also used by the share score button in the game over screen when player shares score. index.css: css file for the index
index.html: index page
index_cocoonjs.html: index page for cocoonJS. rename it as index.html if you pack the game using cocoonJS
saveScore.php: PHP script for saving score to the server
shareScore.php: PHP script for sharing score on social networks

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